
Get to Know Podcasts Before a Campaign Starts with RedCircle’s Vetting Process!

We’re back again with another exciting update for advertisers! Advertisers on RedCircle are now able to send custom questionnaires to podcasts on RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform) before fully committing to a campaign. Get a feel for the podcasts you’re interested in working with and ensure it’s the right fit!

Our vetting feature allows advertisers to send a quick survey to any chosen podcasts before a campaign even starts. The survey helps to gauge interest in the campaign and prevents unexpected declines from podcasts. No need to wait for networks to do the vetting, you can contact the hosts directly and get an immediate response. Let’s take a closer look at how it works!

As an advertiser, you can create a custom questionnaire designed to vet podcasts on the criteria that you set. Easily receive responses that help you better determine what podcasts are the perfect fit for your campaign. No more crossing your fingers and hoping the selected podcasts accept the pending campaign! Instead, gauge their interest right from the start.

After creating the survey, simply select the podcasts you want to vet, add a response due date, and wait for the interest to pour in!

Check out our Help Center for a full breakdown of the vetting process.

Our goal with vetting is to reduce unexpected declines and help advertisers find the exact right fit for their campaigns. We want to eliminate the game of “telephone” that comes with vetting shows. 

We’re constantly improving our product to create a seamless experience for advertisers and podcasters alike. We’re ecstatic to share these changes, and the many more to come, with you!